
Școala de sudură Crișan, înființată sub egida Filialei Județene Arad a Confederației Patronatului Român (POZE, VIDEO)


Digi 24 – 15 SEPTEMBRIE 2014

Au învăţat bucuroşi o meserie nouă, mai ales că acum au oportunităţi de angajare. Nu doar în ţară, ci şi în Vestul Europei, pentru salarii de mii de euro.

Deschisă anul acesta, şcoala de sudură din Arad ar putea furniza personal pentru cele două fabrici de vagoane şi pentru cea de tramvaie din oraş.

Reprezentanţii acestora s-au plâns în trecut că nu găsesc meseriaşi. Cei care ar putea rezolva această problemă sunt actuali studenţi sau chiar absolvenţi de studii superioare, care sunt gata să se reprofileze, pentru a avea un venit sigur.

„(Te gândeşti şi să faci o carieră la un moment dat sau rămâne la stadiul de curiozitate?) Sincer, încă nu m-am hotărât dar e destul de probabil să fac o carieră având în vedere oportunităţile care se ivesc în meseria asta”, a spus Bogdan Hudac, absolvent al Facultăţii de Drept.

„Nu ştii niciodată ce îţi rezervă viitorul şi tot timpul e bine să ai un lucru care într-o oarecare măsură să îţi asigure o anumită siguranţă”, a spus Cătălin Hodăgeu, student la Facultatea de inginerie. Aşa că tinerii sunt extrem de motivaţi la cursuri.

„Au învăţat să sudeze şi vertical, şi în cele mai grele poziţii şi în cele mai grele îmbinări. Cu care… văd primele probe au ieşit, sunt foarte bune”, profesorul Tusz Francisc.

„Am fost contactaţi de o firmă din Franţa, dar desigur ei nu au ajuns încă la nivelul ăla să meargă să lucreze în Franţa. Dar, după un an – doi de „divizia B” aici în România, desigur, vor putea să lucreze în Occident”, a spus Marin Crişan, fondatorul şcolii de sudură. Acolo, salariile pentru sudori încep de la 2.000 de euro. Cu toate acestea, cei care au susţinut examenul la şcoala de sudură din Arad spun că pentru moment vor rămâne să lucreze în ţară.

Cursurile şcolii de sudură din Arad au durat în total 3 luni şi au costat 500 de euro. Tinerii au urmat 120 de ore de pregătire teoretică şi 240 de ore de practică, toate materialele, aparatele şi uneltele necesare fiind puse la dispoziţie de şcoală.   


Vestic – 19th of SEPTEMBER 2014

More than 40 people have signed up to the new school which will prepare the future craftsmen in handling electrodes. For three months the students will benefit from over 120 teaching hours of theory and 240 practice with most modern welding machines.

Arad Branch President of Romanian Employers to fulfill his dream. He managed to reopen a welding school where craftsmen will prepare the future. “It is an old dream of mine to prepare again craftsmen. Arad shortage of artisans in all areas and especially in welding. Arad factories need professional welders. Now I managed to fulfill my dream and I am convinced that students who were enrolled in this school will become good craftsmen, “said Marin Crisan, the school welding.

The event was invited local officials, and staff that will prepare students to welding school.

“I can only congratulate Mr Marin Crisan for making community in Arad. I am convinced that at the end of the school Arad will craftsmen of the highest quality, “said Levente Bogdar deputy mayor.

Words of praise also had  Francisc Tusz teacher, one of the oldest and professional welders in Arad, but also the Executive Director of CEA Arad, Marinel Hentesi.

The course lasts three months, and the opening of the school attended by a priest who blessed the new place where students will be trained as a welder.

As a lifetime and in nature, nothing seamless” – is the motto of welding school in Arad.

Mediafax – 19th of SEPTEMBER 2014

A school welding was founded in Arad, following an investment of 300,000 euros after local companies have faced in recent years with the lack of qualified personnel, because many welders went to work in the West for higher wages .

Welding School was founded Arad county branch of the Romanian Employers Confederation, in collaboration with a local company, with an investment of around 300,000 euros.

The school is situated on land Crisan Group company, located in the industrial area of ​​the exit of Arad to Nadlac, where a hall was built and installed new modern working equipment, which will make practical people who enroll for courses. The head of the county branch of the Confederation of Romanian Employers, Marin Crisan Thursday 40 files were submitted for entry to courses, given that 28 seats are available.

“As we knew before investing in this project, there is great demand for skilled welders. Many will follow these courses to seek further jobs in the West, where salaries exceed 3,000 euros. It is a job very well paid, because it is hard. In Romania, experienced welders earn around 500 euros,“ said Crisan.

He said he decided to open a welding school after local companies, including Astra Rail, which manufactures freight cars, were faced with the lack of qualified personnel.

With the Astra Rail have a very good collaboration, because they need skilled people. They failed to find enough welders, given that many took to the West in recent years,” said Crisan.

School will begin classes on October 1, and they will have a duration of three months, during which do 120 hours of theory and 240 hours of practice.

Students pay a fee of 500 euros, but in many cases it is pay- companies that are improving their employees.

According to the initiators, the project will be expanded and will be organized courses for areas that lack the qualifier.

n March, company representatives Astra Rail Industries, based in Arad, declared Mediafax that face the problem of the labor force, given that they were in early 1050 vacancies and within three months had managed to hire only 550 people. The company had problems in finding qualified welders and locksmiths.

“We hit a big issue during employment because there is no market, especially in Arad, enough skilled workers. The main reason is that most have gone to work abroad, because in Arad There workforce qualified field is a place of tradition in the production of cars, “ he said at the time, the company’s human resources director, Marinela Vinesar.

For locksmiths and welders, then announced wages were between 1,375 and 2,700 lei, depending on experience. Employees are longer provide meal vouchers and a premium paid vacation once a year, the equivalent of a salary.

Agency spokesman County Employment Arad, Mihaela Jude, said in turn that for welders and locksmiths demand is very high and stations dealing not due to lack of qualified personnel.

Glasul Aradului – 15th of SEPTEMBER 2014

Welding School in Arad has opened new doors for students. The 24 students who answered “present” as he called the first bell will participate in the next three months, over 120 hours of theoretical training and other 240 hours of practical training with the most modern equipment to weld.

“Being a welder is in great demand both at home and abroad. Last year we had 64 graduates, and the mouth of the Institute of Welding and Material Testing Timisoara (ISIM) forum of our founding, we are the best in the country and this can only make us happy and give us hope For future. I want to thank this way all those who engage in this course, those from the CEA us joined this year and not least the President of the Confederation of Romanian Employers, Mr. Gheorghe Naghiu that we are a real help, both materially and financially. That, while the school was financed by the Confederation of Romanian Employers in 80%, and the president promised us that we will continue to support,“ said Marin Crisan, Arad branch president of the Confederation of Romanian Employers. He further said that it is good for the county to be as many schools as welding, because we have two factory cars, one of trams and many other businesses.

“This diploma will be recognized at home and abroad. I had so far three sets of students with whom I worked very well with you and I hope to enjoy the same cooperation, “ he said Tusz comers to learn a trade.

Horia Dascălu, director I.S.I.M. Timişoara, said in turn that other schools in the country will learn from the experience of school in Arad. “We believe that this school is successful stand testimony and previous courses. I believe that this school will continue with even greater success, and that there is a mix between theory and practice supports more so. Arad school experience will be beneficial to other schools in the country. The fact that we are here today proves that we want to help as much school, we will strive to support it on all levels, “ said Horia Dascălu.

According to representatives of the school, a real support came from the County Agency for Employment Arad. “Once you get to work somewhere you will see that nobody will give that minimum wage. Even if it will happen at the beginning, you’ll see that after two or three months you can issue claims, “ he conveyed learners and Marinel Hentesi, CAE Executive Director.

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